How to run a stress free photo day
The smooth running of photo day requires good communication and co-operation between Sandra Lee Photography and your club. We will do everything it can to assist you in achieving this result.
Prior to photo day:
- At least one week before photo day provide Sandra Lee Photography with a digital copy of your club logo (no smaller than 200kb in jpeg format)
- At least one week before photo day provide Sandra Lee Photography with accurate team lists (including officials)
- Advertise photo day in newsletters, on the club website and Facebook (if applicable)
- Remind players they must be on time (10 minutes before their scheduled photo time), and be in full club uniform. Officials should be in club colours
- Distribute order forms and team envelopes (provided by Sandra Lee Photography) three weeks before the photo shoot for return on photo day
- Allocate each team a time for their photos at least 15 minutes apart for smaller teams (baseball, cricket, netball) and 20-30 minutes apart for larger teams (football, rugby)
On photo day:
- all completed order forms should be given to the team manager who will place them in the envelope provided and complete the summary on the front of the envelope. The team manager then hands the completed envelope to Sandra Lee Photography staff.
- ensure a club representative is present at least 30 minutes before scheduled photo session and in the case of bad weather 1hr prior to set up inside
- ensure a club representative remains for the duration of the photo session
- ensure there are a few spare caps and playing tops for coaches/players as required
Post photo day:
- Sandra Lee Photography will email team managers when their teams photo is ready for proofing
- Team managers email any changes/approval back to Sandra Lee Photography
- Once all teams have been approved the prints we will be ready for delivery in 14 days